The BBFC is an institution that is responsible for the classification of films in relation to the content in it. They are also responsible for the classification of television shows and trailers as well as other adverts and public campaigning films.
The current certifications of films are a range of ages as an advisory of who they think the content is appropriate for. These certifications are:
U- A U film must be suitable for anyone 4 or over, this is to prevent upsetting child viewers despite it being unpredictable what would upset a particular child. U films must be set in a positive framework as well as offering a reassuring counterbalance to any violence, horror or threat within the film.

PG- This is a rating that may contain scenes that would be unsuitable for younger children. A PG film cannot feature content that would be unsettling for a child around 8 or older. Children of any age can watch a PG film unaccompanied however, parents are to consider whether the content will be upsetting.

12- A 12 film will include material that would not be appropriate for those aged under 12, as a result no one younger than 12 should watch a 12 rated film as it can contain some mildly explicit content.

15- A 15 rated film may contain discriminatory language and themes but cannot endorse such behaviour and language. Drugs can be shown but the misuse of drugs must not be encouraged. Easily accessible drugs such as solvents cannot feature. There are no constraints to nudity in a non-sexual context and sex can feature without strong detail. Due to this those under the age of 15 are not of an appropriate age to view the work.

18- The restrictions on an 18 rated film are excessively limited which means that the content in the film will not be suitable to people that are below the age of the film rating.
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