Looking back to my preliminary task, which was also used to demonstrate the different filming methods such as the 180 degree rule and well as match on action, there are several noticeable differences in the way in which it was filmed compared to my final sequence. These differences are due to the several aspects of film making that I had learnt over the progression of the process. Obviously there are key differences in the preliminary task and my opening sequence. This is because the effect each of them are meant have are completely different. However, looking at the way in which the footage had been manipulated in the hopes of having the desired effect on the viewer there are clear differences which are as a result of learning techniques throughout the process. These include the use of diegetic sound in the scene as well as using changing the colour and lighting in shots to manipulate the atmosphere of the sequence.
Firstly, I have found methods in which I can improve how realistic a soundscape may be through using a video editing software. During the editing process I soon found that a more textured and layered soundscape would allow for it to become more convincing as ambient sounds don't pause to allow us to hear a door slam or footsteps going by. I had used what I'd learnt of sound recordings in the editing software for my opening sequence. For example, in my own opening sequence the sound of the gas hob is consistent throughout and the sounds at the beginning of the sequence such as the door slam has two recordings of different doors which allows for a clear progression where the door makes a noise upon opening and closing while the door hinges creak. They have been timed precisely to the point where they should sound like a singular door. I have found that the use of both layered ambient sounds has created a more realistic environment as opposed to having each sound play individually.
I also learnt that by using manipulating the colour and brightness in the sequence I could elicit the intended feel that the sequence is meant to give off more easily. In comparing the two it is noticeable that the colours in the preliminary task are clear whereas my final opening sequence appears to be less saturated and more gloomy, this is because over the course of the process of making the sequence I had learnt of the effects that it could have on the tone of the scene and thus utilised this form of creating an atmosphere through the use of darkened cold coloured visuals.
A second aspect from the progression is that I'd learnt that lighting is heavily important for each shot. The level of importance lighting has in the shot is near equal to the importance of composition. Unfortunately I had learnt this mostly at the point of post-production where mistakes could not be completely corrected. An example of the offending shot in my opening sequence is where the laptop is shown in the middle of the shot having been positioned on the bed. Without being attentive the lighting in the shot during the filming process the shot appeared to be more of a silhouette which was not desired. However, the mistake could not be corrected in the editing process as changing the colouring of the shot only emphasised the contrast of light within it. As a result I have learnt to pay more attention to the levels of light within a shot and to experiment with different camera angles if the planned shot does not look effective.
Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Evaluation Q6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?
Throughout creating the product I have learnt several things about the technologies required in the process and the methods to use to utilise them.
Throughout the construction process I was expected to record the work I had done, through doing this I had learnt about several other technologies.
One of the technologies that I had learnt about was Blogger. I have used Blogger for the entirety of the process before beginning to construct my opening sequence however, it proved to be most useful in recording the progress that I'd made whilst filming and editing. examples of my use of the technology to record the construction are present on the rest of my blog (Evidence of filming and editing).
Another technology that I had learnt about during the process of constructing my sequence is Survey Monkey. This application allowed me to easily acquire the data needed for my audience feedback. Through the use of the website I was able create and share a customised survey. After being sent a sufficient amount of responses, I was then able to analyse the results to find the best ways in which I could improve my sequence for my audience.
While editing my opening sequence I used Serif MoviePlus X6. This is a software that I had previously known of and thus chose to use it to construct my sequence.
During the editing process I had learnt ways in which I can manipulate the footage to make it appear either more or less stabilised for effect. I had used a mask in editing to make the panning or other moving shots in the sequence appear more stable which then created a smoother movement compared. By using this it helped me create the opening sequence while maintaining the desired effect of each specific shot as opposed to drawing the audience's attention to, what could have been, the dodgy ca
mera movements.
Also in the editing software I had learnt how to resize footage to fit a specific aspect ratio. This meant that footage could be added into the 16:9 ratio making the sequence fit the screen in full screen viewing. This helped during the process as it allowed me to create an opening sequence that looked more professional as opposed to looking more like an old home-video, which would have a more square looking ratio.

Throughout the construction process I was expected to record the work I had done, through doing this I had learnt about several other technologies.
One of the technologies that I had learnt about was Blogger. I have used Blogger for the entirety of the process before beginning to construct my opening sequence however, it proved to be most useful in recording the progress that I'd made whilst filming and editing. examples of my use of the technology to record the construction are present on the rest of my blog (Evidence of filming and editing).
Another technology that I had learnt about during the process of constructing my sequence is Survey Monkey. This application allowed me to easily acquire the data needed for my audience feedback. Through the use of the website I was able create and share a customised survey. After being sent a sufficient amount of responses, I was then able to analyse the results to find the best ways in which I could improve my sequence for my audience.
During the editing process I had learnt ways in which I can manipulate the footage to make it appear either more or less stabilised for effect. I had used a mask in editing to make the panning or other moving shots in the sequence appear more stable which then created a smoother movement compared. By using this it helped me create the opening sequence while maintaining the desired effect of each specific shot as opposed to drawing the audience's attention to, what could have been, the dodgy ca
mera movements.
Also in the editing software I had learnt how to resize footage to fit a specific aspect ratio. This meant that footage could be added into the 16:9 ratio making the sequence fit the screen in full screen viewing. This helped during the process as it allowed me to create an opening sequence that looked more professional as opposed to looking more like an old home-video, which would have a more square looking ratio.
Evaluation Q2: How does your opening sequence represent particular social groups?
The representation of some social groups can be observed in my opening sequence. Due to the nature of my opening sequence a limited number of social groups are shown and the way in which they are represented is subtle. This is due to the fact that only two characters feature in the sequence and both belong to one of the same social groups. Representation is also subtle due to the fact that dialogue is not featured in the piece.
The social groups that are represented at all in the sequence are women and young people. Both of the characters are women and display different traits which are partly in relation to their femininity. One of the characters is also clearly young, this means that some of the characteristics of their surroundings allude to the values and circumstances young people hold.
Both characters are women and are displayed as near polar opposites in the sequence, this means I will address how they represent this specific social group individually.
Throughout the opening sequence it is shown that May is a neat individual. For example, on her bed-side table the several objects that would be used each day are positioned in a formation that would take some thought and time to organise thus suggesting that she is in fact organised. It is a stereotype that being neat and organised is a more feminine trait and this part of May's representation is consistent with that idea.
May is also shown to be somewhat work orientated, this is shown by her including her occupation in her social media biography. This part of a social media profi
le is mostly used to describe the interests that the person has in a number of subjects meaning that someone's occupation is less likely to be mentioned. By having May include her job in her bio it shows that she has an active interest in
building up a career and thus work orientated. This go
es against some other representations of women -especially from the past- as they were often presented as a part of the family unit that would tend to domestic duties as opposed to providing for the family and being the bread winner, this would show women with no desire to work let alone have an interest in a career.
When May finally appears in shot, she is wearing a hoodie with jeans. This is an attire that, while comfortable, is not flashy or puts much focus on the wearer's appearance. As a result it would suggest that May as a character would dress comfortably as opposed to valuing the way she looks over it. This contradicts the idea that women as a whole are more attentive to the way they look.
As a female character May is shown to contradict the way in which the ordinary woman is often thought to be as she is shown to value her work and prefers comfortable yet informal attire.
In the sequence Ava comes across as the antagonist and, to some extent, holds similar traits to other female characters that are villains. Firstly, Ava is presented to seem largely in control, this is due to the fact that the music and tone of the piece appears to reflect her entrance into the scene. Her slow steady pace throughout the sequence suggests that she has no reason to rush in the situation as she is dominant in the scenario. This goes against the way in which women are often represented as they are shown to appear to not be dominant. This is especially true in comparison to male characters, who are shown as the ones in control.
In the sequence Ava is also wearing formal clothes which are all black. The formal clothing suggests that Ava is a character who would put more attention into their appearance as she has done this in the scene to look professional. The fact that the her clothing is all black fits the connotation of the appearance of the villain, who are often shown to be wearing all black. The black clothing is also somewhat fitting for the scene in which one of the characters has died. The idea of Ava wearing particular clothing to be seen in a specific way does perpetuate the convention that women are inclined to take care in their appearance. The colour black also fits the way in which other villains are represented.
The way the character of Ava holds herself in the scene alludes to her being cold and calculating. The slow eerie advance that the character has in the sequence suggests that each motion she makes has been heavily thought through and has a reason as a result. This is consistent in the way women as villains are shown in other pieces of media. Antagonist women are frequently shown as being colder and more calculating in comparison to male antagonists, who seem to often be ruthless and aggressive.
In a few aspects, Ava does fit the conventions displayed by women and women who appear as the antagonist of the story as she fits the way in which women are portrayed in being attentive to their appearance and shares the dark traits of other female villains.
Young people are another social group that is represented in a specific way in my sequence. May is meant to be at a younger age whilst appearing to be independent in her lifestyle. As a result May mirrors the attitudes that some may have on the younger demographic.
It is apparent that May is competent in using social media due to her profile being shown. This fits the trait that young people share in being much more computer literate and more exposed to technology compared to older generations.
May is also shown to be work orientated, this has been previously stated. However, this can also apply to the way young people are portrayed in other pieces of media. It may be common for young people to be shown as irresponsible party-goers in the media however, this contradicts that idea. As May is displayed to be an individual who has a keen interest in her work it suggests that other people from the same social group would hold similar values.
The sequence also suggests that May is struggling to some degree. The beginning of the sequence suggests that May is content with her position, with rooms decorated with happy memories and a sense of pride in her job, it could be expected for her accommodation to reflect this sense of contentment. However, the flat is shown to be dark, dingy and small. This suggests that she may be in a situation with little choice and thus forced to an extent to live in a less welcoming environment. This is consistent to the living conditions of many people at the same age of the character. This mirrors the situation that students may find themselves in.
The social groups that are represented at all in the sequence are women and young people. Both of the characters are women and display different traits which are partly in relation to their femininity. One of the characters is also clearly young, this means that some of the characteristics of their surroundings allude to the values and circumstances young people hold.
Both characters are women and are displayed as near polar opposites in the sequence, this means I will address how they represent this specific social group individually.
May is also shown to be somewhat work orientated, this is shown by her including her occupation in her social media biography. This part of a social media profi
le is mostly used to describe the interests that the person has in a number of subjects meaning that someone's occupation is less likely to be mentioned. By having May include her job in her bio it shows that she has an active interest in
building up a career and thus work orientated. This go
es against some other representations of women -especially from the past- as they were often presented as a part of the family unit that would tend to domestic duties as opposed to providing for the family and being the bread winner, this would show women with no desire to work let alone have an interest in a career.
When May finally appears in shot, she is wearing a hoodie with jeans. This is an attire that, while comfortable, is not flashy or puts much focus on the wearer's appearance. As a result it would suggest that May as a character would dress comfortably as opposed to valuing the way she looks over it. This contradicts the idea that women as a whole are more attentive to the way they look.
As a female character May is shown to contradict the way in which the ordinary woman is often thought to be as she is shown to value her work and prefers comfortable yet informal attire.
In the sequence Ava comes across as the antagonist and, to some extent, holds similar traits to other female characters that are villains. Firstly, Ava is presented to seem largely in control, this is due to the fact that the music and tone of the piece appears to reflect her entrance into the scene. Her slow steady pace throughout the sequence suggests that she has no reason to rush in the situation as she is dominant in the scenario. This goes against the way in which women are often represented as they are shown to appear to not be dominant. This is especially true in comparison to male characters, who are shown as the ones in control.
In the sequence Ava is also wearing formal clothes which are all black. The formal clothing suggests that Ava is a character who would put more attention into their appearance as she has done this in the scene to look professional. The fact that the her clothing is all black fits the connotation of the appearance of the villain, who are often shown to be wearing all black. The black clothing is also somewhat fitting for the scene in which one of the characters has died. The idea of Ava wearing particular clothing to be seen in a specific way does perpetuate the convention that women are inclined to take care in their appearance. The colour black also fits the way in which other villains are represented.
The way the character of Ava holds herself in the scene alludes to her being cold and calculating. The slow eerie advance that the character has in the sequence suggests that each motion she makes has been heavily thought through and has a reason as a result. This is consistent in the way women as villains are shown in other pieces of media. Antagonist women are frequently shown as being colder and more calculating in comparison to male antagonists, who seem to often be ruthless and aggressive.
In a few aspects, Ava does fit the conventions displayed by women and women who appear as the antagonist of the story as she fits the way in which women are portrayed in being attentive to their appearance and shares the dark traits of other female villains.
Young people are another social group that is represented in a specific way in my sequence. May is meant to be at a younger age whilst appearing to be independent in her lifestyle. As a result May mirrors the attitudes that some may have on the younger demographic.
It is apparent that May is competent in using social media due to her profile being shown. This fits the trait that young people share in being much more computer literate and more exposed to technology compared to older generations.
May is also shown to be work orientated, this has been previously stated. However, this can also apply to the way young people are portrayed in other pieces of media. It may be common for young people to be shown as irresponsible party-goers in the media however, this contradicts that idea. As May is displayed to be an individual who has a keen interest in her work it suggests that other people from the same social group would hold similar values.
The sequence also suggests that May is struggling to some degree. The beginning of the sequence suggests that May is content with her position, with rooms decorated with happy memories and a sense of pride in her job, it could be expected for her accommodation to reflect this sense of contentment. However, the flat is shown to be dark, dingy and small. This suggests that she may be in a situation with little choice and thus forced to an extent to live in a less welcoming environment. This is consistent to the living conditions of many people at the same age of the character. This mirrors the situation that students may find themselves in.
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